8th Smart Growth Revitalization

City of National City


Phase one of the project included undergrounding overhead utilities on E. 8th Street between National City Boulevard and Highland Avenue and replacing the sewer main and laterals between the 8th Street Trolley Station and K Avenue. Phase two included traffic calming, pedestrian, bicycle, Safe Routes to School and streetscape enhancements on 8th Street between Harbor Drive and Highland Avenue to encourage smart growth revitalization and multi-modal connections to the 8th Street Trolley Station. Improvements included enhanced crosswalks with high intensity signing and striping; new, wider sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps for ADA compliance; new lighting, landscaping and storm water bioretention areas; decorative benches, trash receptacles, bike racks and historic banners; new bike lanes and sharrows with signage on 8th Street between Harbor Drive and Roosevelt Avenue; and traffic calming measures such as corner bulb-outs and a “road diet” on E. 8th Street between National City Boulevard and Highland Avenue converting four travel lanes to two travel lanes with protected left turn lanes at intersections, landscaped islands midblock and replacement of parallel parking with angle parking on the south side of the street.


Paradise Creek Park


Renewable Energy & Citywide LED Lighting Upgrades